Volunteers and interns are Invited for Global abroad or virtual placement at IVA. Travel, Study and Experience the World: Bangladesh, Costa Rica, India, Russia, Moldova, Morocco, Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria, Indonesia, Pakistan, Israel, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Cameroon by International Volunteer Academy (IVA) www.volunteeracademy.blogspot.com - dedicated to enhancing the lives of the people (happy people–happy world) by implementing educational, investment, charity and development programs. Currently we are looking for youth and partners worldwide.Volunteer Academy relies on the efforts of interns and volunteers to make its programs work for good and therefore we are very flexible and easy to work with. Having 14 years + experience we are looking for people with strong written and verbal communication skills with an interest in international relations, social enterprise development, peace building, fundraising, NGOs or simply with an interest to have fun and travel. Groups of any size are also welcome. ![]() We do, however, ask for a one time donation of 40 US $ (additional to local fees) to cover the administration costs (local fees differ from country to country and program to program but are the cheapest in the world also some countries are hosting volunteers for free and some of them even provide sponsorships to volunteers, see below detailed info about). IVA COUNTRIES AND PLACEMENTS: 1. Russia. Internships and volunteer positions for high moral standard youth, based on CV competition are wonderful opportunities to travel and explore Russia, study Russian language while gaining practical knowledge in a work environment. You will be able to learn about the logistics of a English language school, teach English and experience life in a fast developing former USSR country, and even take weekend excursions within Russia or in neighboring countries in few hours to Moscow, EU big cities, Kiev, Bucharest, Odessa, Crimea etc. 2. V. Volunteer or Internship Virtually. (For students and youth who need to intern or volunteer for their studies, make researches etc.) All our placements for internships and volunteer virtual opportunities:-Media, social media, video and photo reporting , filmmaking, writing articles etc. media work;- Fundraising- Project research and creation - Writing and proof reading grant proposals, researching and contacting sponsors,- researching grant opportunities;- NGOs;- Public Relations, PR, Image maker - making booklets, creating video spots, creating thematic photos, creating promotional materials;-Social enterprise, Business development;-International relationships and communication -researching and contacting potential International partners, international or local research or studies:- Web development, IT etc about it.;- And more, just contact us! Virtual placements have the same privileges as field positions. 3. Volunteer in Moldova, All inclusive. Are you looking for a worthwhile project? Do you want to help disadvantaged children? You can volunteer in an orphanage in the capital city Chisinau, providing children with love, attention and the knowledge that someone cares about them. The project runs all year round but volunteers are particularly in need from Autumn- Spring. 2 meals a day and accommodation is provided and the participation fee is:-2 weeks = 500 EUR, 1 month = 950 EUR. 4. Volunteer in Israel, All inclusive. Organization Experienced in hosting volunteers for 3 years. Fees: $ 60 /day, $ 420/week, $ 1500 /month, $ 15,000/year. Additionally we have internships in aspects of education, youth at risk, environment and so on. There are a guide who will lead the volunteers, make trips for the volunteers around Israel, visits and sport activities. 5. Volunteer in Morocco, All inclusive. 5 years experience in hosting volunteers. Fees: /day15EURO,/week80EURO,/month 230euro,/year2860 EURO. Volunteer opportunities and jobs Child Care & Nursery School Program in Marrakech city. 6. Volunteer in Pakistan. No Local fees. Hosting international volunteers since last four years and serve them in youth led activities and in association with national volunteers. Our organization does not charge any participation fee from volunteers. There are field visits for community development projects, engaging volunteers in social action projects and meetings with community, youth groups, orientations, participation in volunteer training and workshop, engagements in humanitarian assessments and participatory rural appraisals. Internships are also available. 7. Volunteer in Uganda, All inclusive .Volunteer work include: Teach English, Mats, plant trees, coffee farms, building classrooms, paint walls, make school furniture, work in community health center etc. 14 years experienced organization. Fees: 10$/day, 50$/week, 240$/month, 1800$/year. 8. Volunteer in Indonesia, All inclusive. Volunteer work Education, Eco-Environmental work . Internships positions: Business field : Accounting, IT, Nurse, Doctor, TV/Radio Presenter, Education field : Teaching medical /math/biology/ teach English/ exact Science in local school/ local college. Participation fee cover : Official invitation, air port pick up and transfer, Accommodations, Local transportation, Placement arrangements, laundry, Indonesian language and cultural orientation, 1.000 US $ /month, local excursion during their day off ( 4 different tourism objects/month).9. Volunteer in Cameroon No Fees .10Years experience in hosting volunteers. We offer administrative support to all our volunteers and accommodation in terms of scholarship. Our Volunteer and Internships positions are Health services and Educational services. Volunteers are performing diversified community services 7 hours daily from Monday to Friday. Volunteers will be accommodated during their stay and their safety remains our priority also. In weekends we offer Tours for our guests. 10. NIGERIA 2. Full support for volunteers’ placement. Hosting international volunteers for 5 years, our visitors have enjoyed staying with us in volunteer lodge at the first floor of our building. No fee for volunteers. We offer transportation, accommodation, health care and feeding. Volunteer opportunities, acquire more skills and networking. Internships positions: Clerical agents, Health delivery, Field work, Camp visitation, Educational services. Working from Monday to Friday, six hours daily. We stay in permanent contact with our volunteers and we support them with health insurance, provide daily allowance. We offer site seeing for volunteers 11. GHANA Full support for volunteers. Five year experienced organization. Participation fee for 1 volunteer to host is 934Euro/month. Volunteers will work with community development projects, working with children and youth, sports, etc. Internships are also available. 12. Nepal Full support for volunteers. Ten years experienced volunteer hosting organization invite you to experience this country with and fee for a week 200 Dollars or/month 400 Dollars to teach health issues and orphanage. Also available internships in medical and health area. 13. Ghana 2, Full support for volunteers. 7 years experiences working as a volunteer coordinator in the one Region of Ghana, our team have been trained to provide a warm, safe, and clean environment for volunteers and they all has a lot of experience working with volunteers. For one month the fee is $1159- cover: Official invitation , Accommodation is with a host family, Includes Airport Pick up and transportation to the project site, Meals , 24/ 7 in-country support. Program Options include, Civil Society Volunteer Program, Teaching in local schools, Computer training, Orphan Care, Farming Advisor Program, Sports coaching, Health education (HIV/AIDS), Volunteers may also come up with their own personalized project. Volunteers work general work a Monday to Friday week, although days may vary depending on the program selected. All volunteers get a minimum of two days off to use how they wish, whether it be for travel, participating in community events, time to themselves, etc. 14. Sri Lanka, Full support for volunteers. Specialist in Income generating activities, Fundraisers, Management Advisors, English Language Teachers for Kids and Youths, Working with disabled persons organizations, Work with youths. For internship, available opportunities are teaching English for youths. After arrival in Sri Lanka, one of our staff members will pick them at the airport. Two days stay at Colombo ( for one week volunteers this will be an half a day program) and have an orientation about country, nature of the work, nature of the organization, program for the period of staying in Sri Lanka, food and drinks, own safety, do’s and don’t do’s, reporting necessities, Prevention and cure from troubles etc. Every volunteer can contact chief Executive Officer 24 hours of the day. Trips: - If volunteer going to stay more than 3 months, arrange 3 days 2 nights exposed trip, selected by the volunteer or the group. One week – 443US$, One month - (without trip) 665US$ , One month – (with trip) 1065.50US$ , Three months - (without trip) 1327.50US$ , Six months – (with trip) 2,455 US$ 15. Volunteer in Bangladesh, Full support for volunteers. Organization experience in hosting volunteers 42 years. Total fee for one month volunteering is 1500$. Volunteer work and internship placements are available in the following areas: youth social work, health clinics, family planning, business development, IT, media. 16. Volunteer in Somaliland. Five years experienced organization in hosting volunteers. Participation fee for 1 volunteer to host is $4750/ 3 month (Food ( 3 months), Accommodation (3 months)). Hosting organization is responsible for: Invitation letter, Visa issuance, local transportation from residence to the office and field works, Arrange placement into a program, Office space to work. 17. INDIA, Full support for volunteers. Organization experience in hosting volunteers is 5 Years. Total fees/ month are USD 2000. Honoree of USD 1000 Per Month to the successful participants for continuously three terms. Volunteer opportunities/jobs: Language and Information Technology Training, Livelihood Research and training to the poor rural Indian People. Internships positions Train the Trainers / Rural Youth Training /Livelihood Training. Except accommodation and Living an Honoree of USD 150 is paid to the interns in monthly basis. Volunteer week: three days theoretical class room training, two days participation in field work and two holidays. 18. Costa Rica. All inclusive. Latin American Program. Organization experience in hosting volunteers 15 yrs. Participation fees: $305/week, US$1350/month (fees cover: Accommodations, Placement arrangements, Administrative fee, Living, Food). Volunteer opportunities/jobs are two kinds: sea turtle conservation projects: 1.In-water studies volunteers in this project support our scientists in collecting data about local sea turtle population. 2. Beach projects: In our beach projects on the Caribbean coastline volunteers work to help with the night patrols, hatchery shifts and beach clean-ups. We have internships positions as Research Assistants. Volunteer week: At all the projects, there is a fix time for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The workload of a volunteer is about 30 hours per week. Additional to program services for volunteers, common free time activities are swimming depending on the conditions of the sea, relaxing in the hammock, trips into the forest, mangrove (kayak), playing soccer or beach volleyball. Costar Rica is a developing country and projects locations are places with basic conditions. Living in a tropical paradise, with forever green forest and clean blue ocean water volunteers will have a great experience. Not only improving their knowledge also their education and respect for the nature. In order to apply, send your telephone number, resume, country and position request to ivolunteeracademy@gmail.com and irff@pisem.net -Travel, study and experience the World in the most fanny way by Internship or Volunteer program at International Volunteer Academy, IVA www.volunteeracademy.blogspot.com dedicated to enhancing the lives of the people (happy people–happy world). -Begun in 1998 the International Volunteer Academy is a branch of an incredibly fast-growing international movement, which now boasts all over the world. Please help this group grow by spreading the word! So, why not "pay it forward" and tell 3 (or more) people how wonderful volunteeracademy.blogspot.com is! -You tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers...and they tell theirs, and so on ...well, you get the idea! -And please feel free to look through our videos, follow us on Twitter, or even ‘like’ us on Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/volunteercheaptravel Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/ivolunteeracademy Twitter: https://twitter.com/ivolunteera -Business portal: http://gppdnet.blogspot.com | Freiwillige und Praktikanten werden für Global Ausland oder virtuelle Platzierung bei IVA eingeladen. Reisen, studieren und erleben Sie die Welt: Bangladesch, Costa Rica, Indien, Russland, Moldawien, Marokko, Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria, Indonesien, Pakistan, Israel, Sri Lanka, Nepal und Kamerun durch International Volunteer Academy (IVA) www.volunteeracademy. blogspot.com - engagiert an der Verbesserung des Lebens der Menschen (glückliche Menschen-glückliche Welt) durch die Umsetzung Bildungs-, Investitions-, Almosen-und Entwicklungsprogramme. Derzeit sind wir für die Jugend und Partnern in aller Welt suchen. Volunteer-Akademie setzt auf die Bemühungen von Praktikanten und Freiwilligen, um ihre Programme zum Besten und deshalb sind wir sehr flexibel und leicht zu verarbeiten. Mit 14 Jahre Erfahrung + wir sind für Leute mit starken schriftliche und mündliche Kommunikationsfähigkeit mit Interesse an internationalen Beziehungen, soziale Entwicklung der Unternehmen, Friedensförderung, Fundraising, NGOs oder einfach mit einem Interesse, Spaß zu haben und Reisen suchen. Gruppen jeder Größe sind ebenfalls willkommen. Praktikum oder Freiwilligenarbeit ist unbezahlte Arbeit, aber Sie werden viel wertvolle Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen für Ihr Leben zu gewinnen. Volunteer-Akademie ist in der Lage, Gehäuse Unterkünfte organisieren und versorgen Sie mit verschiedenen kulturellen Ausflüge und Erlebnisse. Ebenfalls auf Wunsch organisieren wir könnten Arbeit, Studium, Wissenschaft, Forschung, Schüleraustausch, Jugendaustausch, Schüleraustausch, medizinische, religiöse, heilige Orte zu besuchen, Geschichte, Wein, Nahrungsmittel, natürliche Obst und Gemüse, ländlichen, ökologischen etc. Programme und Touren . Prominente Bewerber könnten für virtuelle Praktika bewerben, Lebenslauf durch Wettbewerb. Wir wissen jedoch, für eine einmalige Spende in Höhe von 40 US $ (zusätzlich zu lokalen Gebühren), um die Verwaltungskosten zu decken (lokale Gebühren unterscheiden sich von Land zu Land und Programm zu Programm, sondern sind die billigsten in der ganzen Welt fragen auch einige Länder Hosting Freiwilligen kostenlos und einige von ihnen auch bieten Patenschaften an Freiwilligen, siehe unten Detailinfo). IVA LÄNDER und Platzierungen: 1. Russland. Praktika und ehrenamtliche Positionen für hohen moralischen Standard Jugend, auf Basis von CV-Wettbewerb sind wunderbare Möglichkeiten zu reisen und entdecken Russland, russische Sprache zu studieren, während gewinnen praktische Kenntnisse in einer Arbeitsumgebung. Du wirst in der Lage, über die Logistik einer Sprachschule für Englisch lernen, Englisch zu unterrichten und das Leben in einem sich schnell entwickelnden ehemaligen UdSSR Land und sogar Wochenendausflüge in Russland oder in den Nachbarländern in wenigen Stunden nach Moskau, EU-Großstädte, Kiew , Bukarest, Odessa, die Krim etc. 2. V. Volunteer Praktikum oder virtuell. (Für Studenten und Jugendliche, die zu internieren oder ehrenamtlich für ihr Studium benötigen, Forschungen usw. machen) Alle unsere Praktika für Praktika und Freiwilligenarbeit virtuellen Möglichkeiten:-Media, Social Media, Video-und Foto-Reporting, Filmemachen, das Schreiben von Artikeln etc. Medienarbeit; - Fundraising-Projekt für Forschung und Bildung - Schreiben und Korrekturlesen der Forschungsförderung, die Erforschung und Kontakt Sponsoren, - Erforschung Fördermöglichkeiten; - NRO; - Public Relations, PR, Image Maker - Erstellung von Broschüren, Erstellung von Video-Spots, Erstellen von thematischen Fotos, das Erstellen Werbe- Materialien;-Social Enterprise, Business Development;-Internationale Beziehungen und Kommunikation-Recherche und Kontaktaufnahme mit potentiellen internationalen Partnern, internationalen oder lokalen Forschung oder Studien: -. Web-Entwicklung, IT darüber usw. - Und vieles mehr, kontaktieren Sie uns einfach! Virtuelle Praktika haben die gleichen Berechtigungen wie Feld-Positionen. 3. Freiwilligenarbeit in der Republik Moldau, All Inclusive. Sie suchen ein lohnendes Projekt? Wollen Sie benachteiligten Kindern zu helfen? Sie können in einem Waisenhaus in der Hauptstadt Chisinau freiwillig und bietet Kindern mit Liebe, Aufmerksamkeit und dem Wissen, dass jemand um sie kümmert. Das Projekt läuft das ganze Jahr über, aber Freiwillige sind besonders in Not von Herbst-Frühling. 2 Mahlzeiten pro Tag und Unterkunft vorgesehen ist und die Teilnahmegebühr beträgt: -2 Wochen = 500 EUR, 1 Monat = 950 EUR. 4. Freiwilligenarbeit in Israel, alles inklusive. Erfahren in der Organisation die Aufnahme von Freiwilligen für 3 Jahre. Gebühren: 60 $ / Tag, $ 420/Woche, 1500 $ / Monat, 15.000 $ / Jahr. Zusätzlich verfügen wir über Praktika in Aspekte der Bildungs-, Jugend gefährdet, Umwelt und so weiter. Es gibt eine Anleitung, die die Freiwilligen führen wird, machen Ausflüge für die Freiwilligen rund um Israel, Besichtigungen und sportliche Aktivitäten. 5. Freiwilligenarbeit in Marokko, alles inklusive. 5 Jahre Erfahrung im Hosting-Freiwilligen. Gebühren: / day15EURO, / week80EURO, / Monat € 230, / year2860 EURO. Möglichkeiten für Freiwillige und Arbeitsplätze Child Care & Nursery School Programm in Marrakech Stadt. 6. Freiwilligenarbeit in Pakistan. Keine lokalen Gebühren. Unterbringung internationaler Helfer seit vergangenen vier Jahren und dienen ihnen in der Jugend führte Aktivitäten und in Zusammenarbeit mit nationalen Freiwilligen. Unsere Organisation erhebt keine Teilnahmegebühr von Freiwilligen. Es sind Besuche vor Ort für soziale Projekte, eingreifenden Freiwillige in sozialen Projekten und Aktionen Treffen mit Gemeinde, Jugendgruppen, Orientierungen, die Teilnahme an freiwilligen Schulungen und Workshops, Engagements in der humanitären Einschätzungen und Participatory Rural Appraisals. Praktika sind ebenfalls erhältlich. 7. . Freiwilligenarbeit in Uganda, All inclusive Freiwilligenarbeit gehören: Teach English, Mats, Bäume pflanzen, Kaffee-Farmen, Bau von Klassenzimmern, Wände streichen, machen Schulmöbel, die Arbeit in Gemeinde-Gesundheitszentrum etc. 14 Jahre Erfahrung in der Organisation. Gebühren: 10 $ / Tag, 50 $ / Woche, 240 $ / Monat, 1800 $ / Jahr. 8. Freiwilligenarbeit in Indonesien, alles inklusive. Freiwilligenarbeit Bildung, Öko-Umwelt-Arbeit. Praktika Positionen: Business Bereich: Buchhaltung, IT, Krankenschwester, Arzt, TV / Radio-Moderator, Bildung Bereich: Lehre medizinische / math / Biologie / Englisch unterrichten / exakte Wissenschaft im örtlichen Schule / örtlichen Hochschule. Teilnahmegebühr Abdeckung: Offizielle Einladung, Luft-Hafen abholen und Transfer, Unterkunft, lokalen Transport, Aufstellung, Wäsche, indonesischer Sprache und kulturelle Orientierung, 1.000 US $ / Monat, lokale Ausflug während ihrer freien Tag (4 verschiedene Objekte Tourismus / Monat) . 9. Freiwilligenarbeit in Kamerun Keine Gebühren 0,10 Jahre Erfahrung in der Aufnahme von Freiwilligen. Wir bieten administrative Unterstützung für alle unsere Freiwilligen und Unterkünfte in Bezug auf die Wissenschaft. Unser Volunteer-Positionen und Praktika sind Gesundheitsdienste und Bildungsleistungen. Freiwillige sind die Durchführung diversifizierten Community-Services 7 Stunden täglich von Montag bis Freitag. Die Freiwilligen werden während ihres Aufenthaltes untergebracht werden und ihre Sicherheit bleibt unsere Priorität auch. An den Wochenenden bieten wir Ausflüge für unsere Gäste. 10. Nigeria 2. Volle Unterstützung für Freiwilligen Platzierung. Unterbringung internationaler Helfer für 5 Jahre, haben unsere Besucher genossen den Aufenthalt bei uns im Freiwilligen Lodge an der ersten Etage des Hauses. Keine Gebühr für Freiwillige. Wir bieten Transport, Unterkunft, medizinische Versorgung und Fütterung. Möglichkeiten für Freiwillige, mehr Fähigkeiten zu erwerben und Vernetzung. Praktika Positionen: Clerical Agenten, Gesundheit Lieferung, Feldarbeit, Camp Visitation, Educational Services. Arbeiten von Montag bis Freitag, sechs Stunden täglich. Wir bleiben in ständigen Kontakt mit unseren Freiwilligen und wir unterstützen sie mit den Krankenkassen bieten Tagegeld. Wir bieten site seeing für Freiwillige 11. GHANA Volle Unterstützung für Freiwillige. Fünf Jahre Erfahrung in der Organisation. Teilnahmegebühr für ein Freiwilligen-Host ist 934Euro/month. Die Freiwilligen werden mit Entwicklungsprojekten auf kommunaler Ebene zu arbeiten, die Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugend, Sport, etc. sind Praktika ebenfalls zur Verfügung. 12. Nepal Volle Unterstützung für Freiwillige. Zehn Jahre erlebt Freiwilligen Aufnahmeorganisation laden Sie ein, dieses Land mit und Gebühr für eine Woche 200 Dollar oder / Monat 400 Dollar zu Gesundheitsfragen und Waisenhaus unterrichten zu erleben. Auch Praktika in medizinischen und gesundheitlichen Bereich. 13. Ghana 2, Volle Unterstützung für Freiwillige. 7 Jahre Erfahrungen in der Zusammenarbeit als Freiwilliger Koordinator in der einen Region in Ghana, haben unser Team geschult worden, um eine warme, sichere und saubere Umwelt für Freiwillige geben, und sie alle hat eine Menge Erfahrung in der Arbeit mit Freiwilligen. Für einen Monat wird eine Gebühr von $ 1159 - Abdeckung: Offizielle Einladung, Unterbringung bei einer Gastfamilie, Inklusive Flughafen Pick-up und den Transport zu dem Projekt vor Ort, Mahlzeiten, 24/7 Support in. Programm-Optionen beinhalten, Zivilgesellschaft Freiwilligen-Programm, lehrte in den örtlichen Schulen, Computer-Schulung, Orphan Care, Landmaschinen Advisor-Programm, Sport-Coaching, Gesundheitserziehung (HIV / AIDS), kann auch Volunteers kommen mit ihren eigenen personalisierten Projekt. Freiwillige Arbeit allgemein zu arbeiten eine Woche von Montag bis Freitag, obwohl Tag können sich je nach gewähltem Programm. Alle Freiwilligen erhalten ein Minimum von zwei freien Tagen zu verwenden, wie sie es wünschen, ob es für die Reise sein, die Teilnahme an gesellschaftlichen Veranstaltungen, Zeit für sich, usw. 14. Sri Lanka, volle Unterstützung für die Freiwilligen. Der Spezialist für Einkommen schaffende Maßnahmen, Benefizveranstaltungen, Management Advisors, Englischlehrer für Kinder und Jugendliche, Arbeit mit Behinderten-Organisationen, Jugendarbeit. Für Praktikum, werden sich bietenden Chancen zu Unterrichten von Englisch für Jugendliche. Nach der Ankunft in Sri Lanka, einer unserer Mitarbeiter wird sie am Flughafen abholen. Zwei Tage Aufenthalt in Colombo (für eine Woche Freiwilligen das wird eine Hälfte sein Programm am Tag) und eine Orientierung über Land, Art der Arbeit, die Art der Organisation, Programm für den Zeitraum des Aufenthalts in Sri Lanka, Speisen und Getränke, eigenen Sicherheit tun und nicht tun die, die Berichterstattung Notwendigkeiten, Vorbeugung und Heilung von Beschwerden usw. Jeder Freiwillige wenden Chief Executive Officer kann 24 Stunden des Tages. Ausflüge: - Wenn Freiwillige bleiben werde mehr als 3 Monaten, arrangieren 3 Tage 2 Nächte Reise ausgesetzt, ausgewählt von der Freiwilligen oder der Gruppe. Eine Woche - 443US $, einen Monat - (ohne Reise) 665US $, einen Monat - (mit Rückfahrt) 1065.50US $, Drei Monate - (ohne Reise) 1327.50US $, sechs Monate - (mit Rückfahrt) 2.455 US $ 15. Freiwilligenarbeit in Bangladesch, Volle Unterstützung für Freiwillige. Erfahrung in der Organisation die Aufnahme von Freiwilligen 42 Jahren. Insgesamt Gebühr für einen Monat freiwillig ist 1500 $. Freiwilligenarbeit und Praktika sind in den folgenden Bereichen: Jugendsozialarbeit, Kliniken, Familienplanung, Business Development, IT, Medien. 16. Freiwilligenarbeit in Somaliland. Fünf Jahre Erfahrung in Organisation Aufnahme von Freiwilligen. Teilnahmegebühr für 1 Freiwillige zu Host ist $ 4750/3 Monat (Lebensmittel (3 Monate), Unterkunft (3 Monate)). Hosting Organisation ist verantwortlich für: Einladungsschreiben, Visumerteilung, dem öffentlichen Nahverkehr vom Wohnort zu den Büro-und Feldarbeiten, Ordnen Platzierung in ein Programm, Bürofläche an die Arbeit. 17. INDIEN, Volle Unterstützung für Freiwillige. Erfahrung in der Organisation die Aufnahme von Freiwilligen beträgt 5 Jahre. Insgesamt Gebühren / Monat sind USD 2000. Honoree von USD 1000 pro Monat an die erfolgreichen Teilnehmer zur kontinuierlichen drei Begriffe. Freiwilligenarbeit / jobs: Sprache und Information Technology Training, Livelihood Forschung und Ausbildung zu den armen ländlichen indischen Volkes. Praktika Positionen Ausbildung der Ausbilder / Landjugend Training / Schulung Livelihood. Außer Unterkunft und Lebenshaltung ein Honoree von USD 150 ist mit den Praktikanten in monatlich ausgezahlt. Ehrenamtliche Woche: 3 Tage theoretische Ausbildung Klassenzimmer, zwei Tage die Teilnahme an der Feldarbeit und zwei Feiertage. 18. Costa Rica. Alles inklusive. Lateinamerika-Programm. Erfahrung in der Organisation die Aufnahme von Freiwilligen 15 Jahre. Teilnahmegebühren: $ 305/week, US $ 1350/month (Gebühren zu decken: Unterkunft, Vermittlung Vereinbarungen, Verwaltungsgebühr, Lebensstil, Nahrung). Freiwilligenarbeit / jobs gibt zwei Arten: Meeresschildkröte Naturschutzprojekte: 1.In-Wasser-Studien Freiwillige in diesem Projekt unterstützen unsere Wissenschaftler die Erhebung von Daten über die lokale Bevölkerung Meeresschildkröte. 2. Strand-Projekte: In unseren Projekten Strand an der karibischen Küste Freiwilligen arbeiten, um mit den Nachtpatrouillen, Brüterei Verschiebungen und Strand sauber-ups zu helfen. Wir haben Praktika Positionen als wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte. Ehrenamtliche Woche: An allen Projekten gibt es eine fix Zeit für Frühstück, Mittag-und Abendessen. Das Arbeitspensum eines Freiwilligen beträgt etwa 30 Stunden pro Woche. Zusätzliche Leistungen an Programm für Freiwillige, gemeinsame Freizeitaktivitäten sind Schwimmen je nach den Bedingungen des Meeres, in der Hängematte, Ausflüge in den Wald, Mangroven (Kajak), Fußball spielen oder Beachvolleyball. Costar Rica ist ein Entwicklungsland und Projekte Standorte sind Orte mit basischen Bedingungen. Das Leben in einem tropischen Paradies, mit ewig grünen Wald und sauberen blauen Meer Wasser Freiwilligen haben eine tolle Erfahrung. Nicht nur ihr Wissen auch ihre Bildung und Respekt vor der Natur. Zur Anwendung, senden Sie uns Ihre Telefonnummer, Lebenslauf, Land und Position Anfrage an ivolunteeracademy@gmail.com und irff@pisem.net -Reisen, Studium und erleben Sie die Welt in der die meisten Fanny Weg durch Praktikum oder Volunteer-Programm bei International Volunteer Akademie, IVA www.volunteeracademy.blogspot.com gewidmet die Verbesserung der Leben der Leute (glückliche Menschen glücklich-Welt). Im Jahr 1998 begonnen-die International Volunteer Academy ist ein Zweig der unglaublich schnell wachsenden internationalen Bewegung, die inzwischen auf der ganzen Welt. Bitte helfen Sie diese Gruppe durch die Verbreitung des Wortes wachsen! Also, warum nicht "Pay it forward" und erzählen, 3 (oder mehr) Menschen, wie wunderbar volunteeracademy.blogspot.com ist! -Sie erzählen Sie Ihren Freunden, Ihrer Familie, Ihren Nachbarn, Ihren Kollegen ... und sie sagen ihnen, und so weiter ... naja, Sie wissen schon! -Und zögern Sie nicht durch unsere Videos betrachten, folgen Sie uns auf Twitter oder auch 'gerne' us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/volunteercheaptravel Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/ivolunteeracademy Twitter fuq: https://twitter.com/ivolunteera -Business-Portal: http://gppdnet.blogspot.com |
Showing posts with label europe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label europe. Show all posts
Monday, February 20, 2012
Volunteer in Europe Moldova, Russia ... Freiwilligenarbeit in Europa Moldawien, Russland ...
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Internship or Volunteer in Moldova, Eastern Europe, close to Russia for individual or group, invitation for youth and partners!
International Volunteer Academy www.volunteeracademy.blogspot.com is dedicated to enhancing the lives of the people (happy people–happy world) by implementing educational, investment, charity and development programs, creating various community service projects, providing health care services to those who need it. Currently we are looking for youth and partners worldwide.
Volunteer Academy relies on the efforts of interns and volunteers to make its programs to work for good and therefore we are very flexible and easy to work with. Having 10 years + experience we are looking for people with strong written and verbal communication skills with an interest in international relations, social enterprise development, peace building, fundraising, NGOs or simple to have fun and travel. Groups of any size are also welcome. We are able to accept those that speak English, Romanian, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Korean, Hungarian, Polish, Slovenian, German etc.
Interning or volunteering is unpaid work but you will gain a lot of precious knowledge and experience for your life. We provide training at our office to make sure that you will be prepared and ready to handle any project or assignment that we give you. In addition, you are free to stay for any length of time, from 1 week (most popular) to 12 months and more. Volunteer Academy is able to arrange housing accommodations and provide you with various cultural excursions and experiences. Also by request we could organize business, study, scientific, research, student exchange, youth exchange, schools exchange, medical, religious, visiting holly places, history, wine, food, natural fruits and vegetables, rural, ecologic etc. programs and tours.
We do, however, ask for a one time donation of 150 Euros to cover the administration costs of arranging your placement here.
We currently have internship opportunities available in:
· Media, social media, video and photo reporting , filmmaking, writing articles etc. media work
Fundraising- Project research and creation - Writing and proof reading grant proposals, researching and contacting sponsors,- researching grant opportunities and creating projects to fulfill requirements. Justifying proposals with statistical evidence as well as forging domestic and cross-border partnerships.
· Teaching in orphanages Arts, English, Italian, French, German, Spanish languages
· NGOs
· Public Relations, Image maker - making booklets, creating video spots, creating thematic photos, creating promotional materials
· Social enterprise
· International communication -researching and contacting potential International partners
· Web development, IT etc.
We also have volunteer opportunities available at:
· Language schools
Orphanages, Organizing activities for children in orphanages - sport and swimming instructors, team building etc. human development games
· Elders houses
· Local ministries, Interfaith peacebuilding- visit and cooperate with different faiths, developing spiritual life, ministry volunteers, mind and body harmony.
· Medical projects
· And more, just contact us!
Our internships and volunteer positions are wonderful opportunities to travel and explore Eastern Europe while gaining practical knowledge in a work environment. You will be able to learn about the logistics of a NGO, experience life in a fast developing former USSR country, and even take weekend excursions within Moldova or in neighboring countries by few hour drive ex. Black Sea side, Kiev, Bucharest, Odessa, Tiraspol, Crimea or 2 hours fly to Moscow, EU big cities etc. More details: Post-Program Services Include: Internship Network, Year Founded: 2001, Religious Requirements: Internship, volunteer at Volunteer Academy is a Unificationists based organization. We do not require our participants to be of the same faith. Volunteers are free to join religious activities.
Find us: IRFFMD on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter etc. webs and see what we are all about!
PS. Begun on June 11, 2001, the International Volunteer Academy is a branch of an incredibly fast-growing international movement, which began in Moldova and now boasts all over the world. Please help this group grow by spreading the word!
So, why not "pay it forward" and tell 3 (or more) people how wonderful volunteeracademy.blogspot.com is! You tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers...and they tell theirs, and so on ...well, you get the idea!
And please feel free to look through our videos, follow us on Twitter, or even ‘like’ us on Facebook :
• Youtube (video channel): http://www.youtube.com/irffmd
• Twitter: http://twitter.com/irffmd
• SPONSOR: Find International Partners to business, government, media, nonprofit, travel etc. organizations,
post Sponsorships, investments, grants, tenders on Global Partnerships Portal : http://gppd.net
Monday, July 4, 2011
Social, work and travel, program, join us and, intern or,volunteer , in Eastern, Europe, close to, Russia, for individual or, group!
IRFFMD and its project International Volunteer Academy is dedicated to enhancing the lives of the people (happy people–happy world) by implementing educational, investment, charity and development programs, creating various community service projects, providing health care services to those who need it.
IRFFMD relies on the efforts of volunteers and interns to make its programs to work for good and therefore we are very flexible and easy to work with. Having 10 years + experience we are looking for people with strong written and verbal communication skills with an interest in international relations, social enterprise development, peace building, fundraising, NGOs or simple to have fun and travel. Groups of any size are also welcomed to come. We are able to accept those that speak English, Romanian, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Korean, Hungarian, Polish, Slovenian and German also others are welcomed too.
Volunteering or interning is unpaid work but you will gain a lot of precious knowledge and experience for your life. We provide training at our office to make sure that you will be prepared and ready to handle any project or assignment that we give you. In addition, you are free to stay for any length of time, from 1 week (most popular) to 12 months and more. IRFFMD is able to arrange housing accommodations and provide you with various cultural excursions and experiences. Also by request we could organize business, study, scientific, research, student exchange, youth exchange, school exchange, medical, religious, holly places, history, wine, food, natural fruits and vegetables, rural etc. programs and tours.
We do, however, ask for a one time donation of 100 Euros to cover the administration costs of arranging your placement here.
We currently have internship opportunities available in:
• Media
• Fundraising
• Teaching
• NGOs
• Public Relations
• Social enterprise
• Web development, IT etc.
We also have volunteer opportunities available at:
• Language schools
• Orphanages
• Elders houses
• Local ministries
• And more, just contact us!
Our internships and volunteer positions are wonderful opportunities to travel and explore Eastern Europe while gaining practical knowledge in a work environment. You will be able to learn about the logistics of a NGO, experience life in a fast developing former USSR country, and even take weekend excursions within Moldova or in neighboring countries by few hour drive ex. at black sea side, Kiev, Bucharest, Odessa, Tiraspol, Crimea etc.
Find us: IRFFMD on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter etc. web pages and see what we are all about! In order to apply, send your resume and request to irffmd@gmail.com .
PS. Begun on June 11, 2001, the International Volunteer Academy is a branch of an incredibly fast-growing international IRFFMD movement, which began in Moldova and now boasts all over the world. Please help this group grow by spreading the word!
So, why not "pay it forward" and tell 3 (or more) people how wonderful volunteeracademy.blogspot.com is! You tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers...and they tell theirs, and so on ...well, you get the idea!
And please feel free to look through our videos, follow us on Twitter, or even ‘like’ us on Facebook :
• Youtube (video channel): http://www.youtube.com/irffmd
• Twitter: http://twitter.com/irffmd
• Or find International Partners to business, government, media, nonprofit, travel etc. organizations,
post Sponsorships, investments, grants, tenders on Global Partnerships Portal : http://gppd.net
IRFFMD relies on the efforts of volunteers and interns to make its programs to work for good and therefore we are very flexible and easy to work with. Having 10 years + experience we are looking for people with strong written and verbal communication skills with an interest in international relations, social enterprise development, peace building, fundraising, NGOs or simple to have fun and travel. Groups of any size are also welcomed to come. We are able to accept those that speak English, Romanian, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Korean, Hungarian, Polish, Slovenian and German also others are welcomed too.
Volunteering or interning is unpaid work but you will gain a lot of precious knowledge and experience for your life. We provide training at our office to make sure that you will be prepared and ready to handle any project or assignment that we give you. In addition, you are free to stay for any length of time, from 1 week (most popular) to 12 months and more. IRFFMD is able to arrange housing accommodations and provide you with various cultural excursions and experiences. Also by request we could organize business, study, scientific, research, student exchange, youth exchange, school exchange, medical, religious, holly places, history, wine, food, natural fruits and vegetables, rural etc. programs and tours.
We do, however, ask for a one time donation of 100 Euros to cover the administration costs of arranging your placement here.
We currently have internship opportunities available in:
• Media
• Fundraising
• Teaching
• NGOs
• Public Relations
• Social enterprise
• Web development, IT etc.
We also have volunteer opportunities available at:
• Language schools
• Orphanages
• Elders houses
• Local ministries
• And more, just contact us!
Our internships and volunteer positions are wonderful opportunities to travel and explore Eastern Europe while gaining practical knowledge in a work environment. You will be able to learn about the logistics of a NGO, experience life in a fast developing former USSR country, and even take weekend excursions within Moldova or in neighboring countries by few hour drive ex. at black sea side, Kiev, Bucharest, Odessa, Tiraspol, Crimea etc.
Find us: IRFFMD on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter etc. web pages and see what we are all about! In order to apply, send your resume and request to irffmd@gmail.com .
PS. Begun on June 11, 2001, the International Volunteer Academy is a branch of an incredibly fast-growing international IRFFMD movement, which began in Moldova and now boasts all over the world. Please help this group grow by spreading the word!
So, why not "pay it forward" and tell 3 (or more) people how wonderful volunteeracademy.blogspot.com is! You tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers...and they tell theirs, and so on ...well, you get the idea!
And please feel free to look through our videos, follow us on Twitter, or even ‘like’ us on Facebook :
• Youtube (video channel): http://www.youtube.com/irffmd
• Twitter: http://twitter.com/irffmd
• Or find International Partners to business, government, media, nonprofit, travel etc. organizations,
post Sponsorships, investments, grants, tenders on Global Partnerships Portal : http://gppd.net
Friday, June 24, 2011
From NJ to Moldova: My Moldovan Adventures, Volunteering,internship at IRFF Moldova
FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 2011
Orheiul Vechi
Orheiul Vechi is this archaeological site in the middle of No Where, Moldova BUT it isabsolutely beautiful there!
A friend of my boss acted as our tour guide and all around Moldovan expert for this excursion.
This site essentially looks like a large crater hole in the middle of the country in Moldova. Our tour guide explained that at one point in time, it was actually a body of water and that is the reason for this seemingly crater-induced valley.
Well, either way, it is beautiful.
There is a tiny town in the middle of this valley. In this tiny town, we stopped at a well and got our own water. We literally just stuck the bucket down the well, pulled up the water and then drank the water straight from the bucket! I have never done anything like that.
All the roads in this tiny town were dirt roads, of course. Our tour said that this town is so small that there are maybe only 4 or 5 children that actually go to school in the town.
Also, most people that live in villages in Moldova don't have indoor running water (hence the wells). They all have out houses and they go to the bathroom there! I could not imagine that.
Then we ate freshly pickedapricots that literally were just picked straight from the tree. My family has an apple tree back home in the US but my parents decided that it is just easier to purchase apples from the store so our apple tree remains wild and well, not maintained.
Also, there is a church at the top of hill. It was recently redone and now it has a beautiful garden.
And there is a cave monastery with one lonely and slightly grumpy monk living there all alone. He has the BEST balcony though, it is a rock balcony built into the caves!
There used to be 12 monks living in this cave monasteryand they all slept in one room. This room was divided into 12 sections by rock walls. This room was so short that even I couldn't stand up straight and I am pretty short. I would never live like that but I guess not many people can.
On the way back, we stopped and ate pizza in some town. I ate a whole personal size pizza for the equivalent of $2.50. Seriously. Moldova is SO cheap for a foreigner!

A friend of my boss acted as our tour guide and all around Moldovan expert for this excursion.
Well, either way, it is beautiful.
All the roads in this tiny town were dirt roads, of course. Our tour said that this town is so small that there are maybe only 4 or 5 children that actually go to school in the town.
Also, most people that live in villages in Moldova don't have indoor running water (hence the wells). They all have out houses and they go to the bathroom there! I could not imagine that.
Then we ate freshly pickedapricots that literally were just picked straight from the tree. My family has an apple tree back home in the US but my parents decided that it is just easier to purchase apples from the store so our apple tree remains wild and well, not maintained.
Also, there is a church at the top of hill. It was recently redone and now it has a beautiful garden.
There used to be 12 monks living in this cave monasteryand they all slept in one room. This room was divided into 12 sections by rock walls. This room was so short that even I couldn't stand up straight and I am pretty short. I would never live like that but I guess not many people can.
On the way back, we stopped and ate pizza in some town. I ate a whole personal size pizza for the equivalent of $2.50. Seriously. Moldova is SO cheap for a foreigner!
I joined a gym!
This is the gym I joined, it is called Heracles-->
And the best part is that I did it all in Russian!
Well, my Russian isn't very good so it was a combination of Russian and hand gestures but no English was involved.
But I love the gym, it is such a great place. However, gyms in Moldova arevery different than gyms in the US.
You are not allowed to show up at the gym in your workout clothes and tennis shoes. And you have to haveseparate tennis shoes to wear in the gym (indoor gym shoes and outdoor gym shoes!).
But that is how it is in Eastern Europe, you have to have separate house shoes. You HAVE to!
Also, all the girls look so pretty while they are at the gym. Seriously. They don't break a sweat! And no girl actually runs on the treadmill, they only walk.
Then afterwards, you have to shower and change before you leave. It is not acceptable to leave the gym without a shower and without changing into proper shoes and clothes. Most girls even blow dry their hair and put on make-up.
Back home, I always just went home and took a shower. I never cared about walking out of the gym looking like a hot mess. But here it is different.
However, it makes me feel so much better to work out! I like living at this apartment with my Russian grandmother but I have no TV and no internet so the gym is a great way to spend my time! Also, my grandmother/host LOVESto fry all of her food so this is a good way to counteract all that oil and fried bread/meat!
Maybe I will even be lucky enough to meet a cute Moldovan there? I am here for 5 more weeks...
And the best part is that I did it all in Russian!
Well, my Russian isn't very good so it was a combination of Russian and hand gestures but no English was involved.
But I love the gym, it is such a great place. However, gyms in Moldova arevery different than gyms in the US.
You are not allowed to show up at the gym in your workout clothes and tennis shoes. And you have to haveseparate tennis shoes to wear in the gym (indoor gym shoes and outdoor gym shoes!).
But that is how it is in Eastern Europe, you have to have separate house shoes. You HAVE to!
Also, all the girls look so pretty while they are at the gym. Seriously. They don't break a sweat! And no girl actually runs on the treadmill, they only walk.
Then afterwards, you have to shower and change before you leave. It is not acceptable to leave the gym without a shower and without changing into proper shoes and clothes. Most girls even blow dry their hair and put on make-up.
Back home, I always just went home and took a shower. I never cared about walking out of the gym looking like a hot mess. But here it is different.
However, it makes me feel so much better to work out! I like living at this apartment with my Russian grandmother but I have no TV and no internet so the gym is a great way to spend my time! Also, my grandmother/host LOVESto fry all of her food so this is a good way to counteract all that oil and fried bread/meat!
Maybe I will even be lucky enough to meet a cute Moldovan there? I am here for 5 more weeks...
Mat, the other volunteer here at IRFF Moldova, and I went to Cricova yesterday.
During WWII the USSR built miles and miles of tunnels underground. Afterwards, they had miles of empty tunnels large enough to drive tanks through but no use for them anymore.
In the 1950s, they decided to turn these underground tunnels into tunnels of WINE! 70 miles of WINE!
So at Cricova, you can take a tour of the underground wine tunnels and then have a sampling of the wines. But take a coat because it is cold that deep under the ground!
In the tour, you pass through a section with hundreds of bottles of wine. All of these bottles are tilted so that they can ferment properly and so that the sediment in them falls towards the bottle cap. BUT all of these bottles are HANDturned by women. Cricova is the only place that still uses this method; most wineries use machines to turn their wine bottles. One woman can turn up to 35,000 bottles a day!
The wine tasting was the best part and I definitely recommend it. They served two white wines, two red wines, and then two types of sparkling wine (aka champagne).
They also served nuts, cheeses, crackers, and some type of traditional pastry filled with either cheese, cabbage, or potatoes. The cabbage pastry was so good (I think I ate maybe 5).
Go to Cricova and check out Putin's large collection of wine or the oldest bottle of wine from Jerusalem dating back to 1902 (sounds delicious, right??)!
I may now be inspired to go home and take a wine tasting class. maybe.

During WWII the USSR built miles and miles of tunnels underground. Afterwards, they had miles of empty tunnels large enough to drive tanks through but no use for them anymore.
In the 1950s, they decided to turn these underground tunnels into tunnels of WINE! 70 miles of WINE!
So at Cricova, you can take a tour of the underground wine tunnels and then have a sampling of the wines. But take a coat because it is cold that deep under the ground!
The wine tasting was the best part and I definitely recommend it. They served two white wines, two red wines, and then two types of sparkling wine (aka champagne).
They also served nuts, cheeses, crackers, and some type of traditional pastry filled with either cheese, cabbage, or potatoes. The cabbage pastry was so good (I think I ate maybe 5).
Go to Cricova and check out Putin's large collection of wine or the oldest bottle of wine from Jerusalem dating back to 1902 (sounds delicious, right??)!
I may now be inspired to go home and take a wine tasting class. maybe.
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2011
Moldova... again.
I spent my last winter vacation traveling through Eastern Europe and I somehow found myself in Chisinau, Moldova.
At the time I did not plan on returning to Moldova.
However, in January, I was looking online for more opportunities to travel and possibly intern and I happened upon an internship opportunity in Moldova (of course).
So it is now 6 months later and I am somehow once again in Moldova.
I intern at IRFF Moldova in Chisinau and I live with a Russian grandmother who speaks only Russian.
The other day, I was eating cereal without milk (I don't like milk) and my Russian grandmother, concerned about my dry cereal, tried pouring hot water on it! I stupidly threw my hands in front of the tea kettle and told her in Russian, "No No! I don't like milk but plain cereal is okay!"
She still didn't understand. It was a good fifteen minute confusing conversation about hot water, tea, milk, and cereal. I still don't really know what we were talking about but the important part is that I didn't have to eat waterlogged cereal!
But she is a nice woman and I think that it will work out.
Besides my Russian grandmother, Rima, I know two people here in Chisinau: the director of my NGO, Nick, and the other intern that arrived just today. But I am hoping to change this and meet at least a few locals and make some friends.
These are just a few pictures from my last trip to Chisinau:
It is my first weekend here so there will definitely be more pictures of Chisinau come Monday!
At the time I did not plan on returning to Moldova.
However, in January, I was looking online for more opportunities to travel and possibly intern and I happened upon an internship opportunity in Moldova (of course).
So it is now 6 months later and I am somehow once again in Moldova.
I intern at IRFF Moldova in Chisinau and I live with a Russian grandmother who speaks only Russian.
The other day, I was eating cereal without milk (I don't like milk) and my Russian grandmother, concerned about my dry cereal, tried pouring hot water on it! I stupidly threw my hands in front of the tea kettle and told her in Russian, "No No! I don't like milk but plain cereal is okay!"
She still didn't understand. It was a good fifteen minute confusing conversation about hot water, tea, milk, and cereal. I still don't really know what we were talking about but the important part is that I didn't have to eat waterlogged cereal!
But she is a nice woman and I think that it will work out.
Besides my Russian grandmother, Rima, I know two people here in Chisinau: the director of my NGO, Nick, and the other intern that arrived just today. But I am hoping to change this and meet at least a few locals and make some friends.
These are just a few pictures from my last trip to Chisinau:
It is my first weekend here so there will definitely be more pictures of Chisinau come Monday!
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